Vor über einem Monat habe ich noch groß getönt, dass die Beiträge über Zevelex regelmäßiger erscheinen. Nur braucht es leider viel Ausdauer, um eine Website am Leben zu erhalten.
Ausdauer, die ich lieber direkt in mein Zevelex-Projekt stecke, welches auch weiterhin gut voranläuft.
Während der zweite Band von Zevelex auf die Hälfte (gut 200 Buchseiten) zuläuft, habe ich damit begonnen, den ersten Band ins Englische zu übersetzen.
Gestern bin ich mit dem zweiten Kapitel fertig geworden. Jetzt könnte man sich fragen, warum ich das Ganze mache und ob es nicht eine Ewigkeit dauert.

Der Sinn dahinter ist, die Zielgruppe zu erweitern von insgesamt ca. 150 Millionen Menschen, die des Deutschen mächtig sind auf ungefähr 1,5 Milliarden, die Englisch sprechen können. Außerdem kann es nur so international Anerkennung erreichen.
Meine Methode ist sehr simpel. Ich habe es vom Google Translate übersetzen lassen und verbessere jetzt so gut wie jeden Satz hinsichtlich Grammatik oder „False Friends“. So geht es zwar um einiges schneller, kommt aber noch lange nicht an das Niveau normaler englischer Bücher heran, worum es mir aber auch gar nicht geht. Stattdessen geht es mir darum, englischsprachige Verlage auf mich aufmerksam zu machen und nebenbei ist es eine gute Übung für die Schule. Verbessern kann es ein Lektor oder Übersetzer nachher immer noch.
Hier ist eine erste, kleine englische Leseprobe.
Für Feedbacks bin ich immer offen, am besten einfach über die Kommentarbox am Ende der Seite.
Chapter 1
The air was frigid this morning in Pittsburgh and the silver Chevrolet drove comfortably along on the Skyline Drive. Only very rarely he met another car or he overtook a pedaling cyclists. Bemused, he turned onto a non-marked path and followed the road through the densely forested area. After several hundred meters, he came to a checkpoint, the guard studied Monz briefly with an impassive mien, than the barrier opened and let him pass. The street now made some sharp turns until finally the double barbed wire fence came into view with the underlying military base. Just for one night, he wanted to spend in his apartment, Monz had put this long distance from the base to his beloved hometown Wayne in Pennsylvania back, but it was completely worth it. The last time, when he were able to sit in front of his burning fireplace, enjoying a glass of cognac and finally turned off was before the completion phase of the project and that was almost four months ago.
During this time he has stayed in this repulsive bunker, racking his brain about any new problems, nevertheless the whole had more than paid off. Because today was the day when he, Arthur Monz, would go down in history.
While the professor thought so, he had already reached the second gate and showed the guard his ID. This waved him through, whereupon he went to the heavily guarded area. Monz drove his car in the staff parking lot behind the main building, where he passed also at the visitors‘ parking lot. This was actually every day as good as empty, but today it was packed with chic small sedans and other luxury cars, from which the most were emblazoned with logos of rich companies or institutes. Some Monz had never seen before, but he could also recognize several cars, displaying the logo of the NASA. Lastly, in his personal Parking arrived Monz held once his legs, which were almost numb from the long drive, after all, he did not want to bend it in the big presentation. Eager took the professor in the fresh morning air and looked around once more on the grounds. Hard to believe that so many soldiers guarded this basis around the clock and all efforts only for a relatively small invention, his invention. Well, the others had also contributed their bit, but he still had done most of the work.
With a high sense of pride and anticipation Monz pulled his metal card through the reader and entered the building through the sterile personnel input. Again absorbed in his thoughts, he strolled through the endless corridors toward the high-security wing. Meanwhile Monz presented, as he stood in the Konserthuset and Carl XVI. Gustaf awarding the Nobel Prize in physics to him.
He was about to start for the acceptance speech, when something brought him back again to reality. An armed man in military uniform stood in front of him and looked at Monz quizzically. The professor greeted him with a friendly ‚Good morning‘ showed him his ID and took the card back through the reader on the wall. The door to the maximum security prison opened and he went springy step to the wing with the laboratories, there repeated Monz the procedure with the card, pushed the door open and stepped into the cool, illuminated with neon tubes, transition. He quickly passed a series of locked doors whose premises were completely foreign to him, and that although he worked here for more than seven years. Even from a distance he could hear the arrogant voice of the engineer Leslie Cheng. Shortly before the working space, he stopped and took a very deep breath before entering.